Both Nick & Hila said it was really good & that my rice tasted great, that's wonderful news considering I've never made rice before. And here's the finished product.
Other than my cooking firsts, Emily wore her bunting & actually fit in it for the first time that night.
Here's Emily, ready to go out in the cold. While I was still working on dinner Hila went out to her car for a minute & took Emily & Desiree with her. It was so cute. I can't believe how big she is. While we ate dinner we watched Roswell (t.v. show that used to come on FX), I put the first episode on for Hila to see since she'd never watched the show before; the show's got a sort of Bella & Edward feel to it (as far as the forbidden love thing, & fantasy aspect). It's a really good show that I recommend to everybody reading this (if they don't already like the show). Anyway, after that I gave Emily a bath. She really doesn't like those very much, she has some of the funniest facial expressions.
After Emily's bath was done, Desiree got one. I took some really cute pictures of Hila with Emily before she had to go back home. That was my night of firsts for me & my family. Oh, & since it took me two days to get this post up, here's another first. Emily wore her cute little yellow ruffle-butt outfit that Julie sent her (see the baby shower post), she finally fit in it so I put it on her since we were going somewhere (I wanted her in something cute).
she looks really good in yellow! i'll have to try the pepper steak! good to know!
Yes, dinner was very yummy :). You did a great job! And those pictures of the girls are adorable! Love the one of Des kissing Emily. So cute!
aweeee so cute, and that food looked good :P
You look great!! The girls are so pretty.
That quote from Desiree is so cute! Now you have to post the picture of her talking to Dad :).
oh my goodness! i love her spanish speaking quote! that girl has spunk!
christinia, this is the blogging world... update me!
and on a slighly funny immature note, my word verification said
ha ha ha
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