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Random Quotes From Desiree

So the other night I got home from work & the first thing that happens is I get bombarded by Desiree trying to tell me something. When I finally get settled & get her a little less excited I say: "Okay Desiree, now, tell me what you were trying to tell me a minute ago." So she launches into this story about how Nick broke her new little lounge around pants & how she got so mad at him that she told him: "You go in your room & you can't come out till I say you can!" As if she's an adult grounding a child!!! My gosh this kid is too smart & sassy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Big Shock!

Well, I don't really have anything new to report other than that I'll hopefully be getting my Medicaid very soon so I can get to the Doctor & find out for sure how far along I am & possibly get a due date (when that happens I'll blog about it >:) ). Now for the reason for the name of the post. I've decided that I'm pretty sure that I'm out of my first trimester (spelling?? Hila); but how far exactly, I don't know. The reason for my thinking this is because I can feel every move the baby makes & because I can also sometimes feel (with my hand) where the baby is sitting, if he/she is pushing against my tummy. So, Hila, as far as taking preggo pictures, don't worry, I have a camera too you know, & I work at Best Buy, so I can always pick up a bigger memory card for you :). So far on the guesses of the sex of the baby we have a tie, lets see who's right, & get some more votes in. (Don't jinx me & say twins either :P that does sort of run in my family...on Dad's side anyway). I added in a poll so now everybody can vote & see what the majority thinks, make things a little interesting.


Christina said...

Hey guys, let me know when you voted & who you are :) My post is lonely, no comments.

Katherine Ronachert said...

i'm thinking twinners...
ha ha ha!
just kidding!
i'm still consulting the tarot cards on the sex.

Christina said...

Hahaha....thanks for being such a funny cousin :) Hope the tarot cards treat me well...NO TWINS!

Nilla said...

I'd vote girl, but everyone's computer here as already voted! So I can't vote on them. Oh well. Love you :). And love the pictures! See, I'm here now and you're posting more often already.