Today was my ultrasound appointment, & let me tell you, it was a rough morning. Hila came to pick me up around 10 this morning, after she had to go & get Desiree's car seat from our car at Nick's work. We started off the morning by going to the Social Security Office so I can get a new Social Security Card & a letter stating that I've applied to get a new one. When my number finally got called it was like 10:50 & my ultrasound appointment was at 11:15, good thing it didn't take me long to get the application put in. So, off we headed to Salmon Medical Center Imaging Department for my ultrasound. When we got there Hila took a pregnant tummy picture for pre-ultrasound, I guess for perspective.
So, we get inside & I go to check in with the receptionist; here's the best news of the day (if you could hear me, you'd be able to hear the sarcasm in my voice) apparantly I wasn't scheduled for an appointment, today or any other future date, at the Salmon Medical Center! The receptionist called another Imaging office linked with the Doctor's Clinic to see if maybe I got my information mixed up, well, I wasn't scheduled there either; so Hila, Desiree & I went back up to the Doctor's Clinic to see what was going on & how we could fix it. It turns out my Doctor's assistant did make me an appointment at Salmon Medical Center, but somebody over there screwed up & didn't put me in the system. Well, the receptionist was finally able to get me an ultrasound appointment it was with a place called AMI in East Bremerton at 2:30 (at least I was able to get it fixed & still able to be seen today). So, we went back to my house & layed Desiree down for a nap (she was being a very rotten little girl), I did the dishes & Hila went to the store to pick up the last of the ingredients for the cookies we had planned to make. When Hila got back we got to work on our Peanut-butter Blossoms, they turned out really yummy!!
There's Hila putting them on the rack to cool (I'm a little ghetto, I don't have a cooling rack so we used upside down pizza pans). While we made the second batch of cookies we also cooked Velveeta Shells & Cheese for lunch, it was rather yummy. The day was certainly looking brighter :). After we ate our lunch & all the cookies were done we had to leave for AMI for my ultrasound appointment. Yay, no repeats of this morning; I was able to get in to get my Ultrasound done. The nurse who did my ultrasound informed me that I'm 27 weeks & 2 days along. Wow were my calculations WAY off!! All of the baby's measurements & estimated due date are as follows...oh & my ultrasound pictures. For those of you who don't know where to look for what on one of these things, my estimated due date is 12/20/2008 or 1/19/2009 (I know I can only read a little of it, couldn't begin to tell you what the baby's measurements for it's head & such are).
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!